Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Chi Mui!

Chermaine Teh Panas!

She has being there for me up's and down's.
She cared about me, love me, shared all her stuff with me,
treated me like a family, her house is like my second house.

Honestly I wasn't close to her at all last 2 years,
we were only like 'hi' 'bye' friends.

After I came back from China last year,
We started hanging out, chilling, talking, and sleep overs!(we never naughty naughty ok?)
and out of a random topic she started calling me 'chi mui'
at first I was like WTF? hahaha cause I'm not gay and stuff.

I treat her like my best friend and our 'chi mui' love start to grow!
I was always there for her, helped her, tease her. kekeke
but most of all I love her :)

She is Teh yang really panas!

ps: Her sur name is Teh so I alway make fun of it :)

other Teh!

This Chrystian Teh!
I call him Teh'O Ais Besar!